Procurement Strategy
The Procurement Mag Weekly News Round-Up
October 02, 2022
undefined mins

This week's news round-up takes a look at Legal sustainability troubles in the EU, TfS and Co2 detection, behavioural science in Procurement change & more
EU Commission takes legal action against members on plastics
The European Commission has brought legal action against 11 of its member states for their nonchalance on the Single-Use Plastics Directive:
TfS develops sophisticated systems in tracking CO2 emissions
'Together for Sustainability', a group of 37 chemicals companies develops a standardised chemical modelling system to accurately track carbon footprints:
Deforestation in the light of supply chain accountability
A recent paper published by Chatham House looks at 'forest-risk' commodity supply chains, and the shifting nature of effective oversight in sustainability:
Circular economies and behavioural science
The possibility of achieving circular economies rests on approaches to consumption, and human and corporate behaviour:
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